Tuesday, December 2, 2008

November Update

Not sure how many of you heard about the wildfires this past month but this is how it looked that Saturday morning. The fires do not present any danger to our neighborhood (except for the air quality) but they were closer than they have ever been before. Very yucky looking!!
This is Jack's little spot in their bedroom. He likes to sit on his tummy and read books, which of course as his mother I think is absolutely adorable. But I think he is also working on something else when sitting there too (Moms you know what I'm talking about)!!

The kids got their haircut this past weekend. Ron's brother, Robert, has his own hair salon (I am so lucky!). Anyway, Jack did really, really good this time. Usually both Ron and I have to hold his arms and head still while he screaming at the top of his lungs.

Alice also just had her hair trimmed (she decided she's growing out her bangs out-we are at the in between stage right now).

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I will miss you guys this Christmas, I hope you have a great one! Love you!